Your Basic Guide to Golf Cart Maintenance
There are several reasons to stay on top of golf cart maintenance. Not doing so can affect your golf cart’s performance, cause costly repairs, or cause your golf cart to become a safety hazard. It will also affect the resale value. The YouTube video highlights some important tips about maintenance for your golf cart.
Take Care of Your Investment
Start by finding the right golf cart maintenance service. A good service company will help you keep your investment in tip-top shape. The next step is to test the brakes, change the oil regularly, and conduct a safety inspection weekly or monthly, depending on how frequently you use it.
Also, clean your golf cart regularly. The golf cart spends most of its time under the hot sun or in the rain while in use. The elements can wreak havoc on your investment over time. Regular cleaning will prevent damage, rust, fading, and wear and tear. Two important features to keep an eye on are the tires and battery. Both wear over time and may need replacement.
When in doubt, speak to the sales agent who sold the golf cart or consult the owner’s manual. The manual will tell you exactly what needs to be maintained and how often to do it. The key is having an actionable maintenance plan and keeping it up to date.